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发布者:     [发表时间]:2016-01-22     [来源]:     [浏览次数]:

付海晏,男,汉族,湖北襄阳人,2004年6月毕业于华中师范大学中国近代史研究所,获得历史学博士学位。2010月9月至2011年8月曾在美国约翰·霍普金斯大学历史系访学,现为华中师范大学中国近代史研究所教授,主要从事近代中国社会经济史、法律社会史、宗教社会史研究。自2004年以来先后主持国家社会科学基金、教育部人文社会科学一般项目等4项,参与并完成国家清史工商人物传、教育部重大攻关项目、教育部重点研究基地项目多项。著有《变动社会中的法律秩序:1929—1949年鄂东民事诉讼案例研究》、《中国近代法律社会史研究》,另合编、参编有《包鹭宾学术论著选》、《博览会与近代中国》等书。近年来在《历史研究》、《近代史研究》、《“中央研究院”近代史研究所集刊》、Journal of Modern Chinese History等国内外重要刊物上发表论文20余篇。研究成果多次获奖,博士学位论文《变动社会中的法律秩序:1929-1949年鄂东民事诉讼案例研究》获得湖北省第七届优秀博士论文(2005年),论文《跑调的国货展览会:1935年无锡国货流动展览会研究》(《近代史研究》2008年第4期)、《革命、法律与庙产——民国北平铁山寺案研究》(《历史研究》2009年第3期)分别获得湖北省、武汉市社会科学优秀成果奖三等奖(2011年)。

Haiyan FuPh. D, Professor



Born on Dec.6, 1975 in Xiangyang City, Hubei Province.

1998.7 graduated from Department of History,Central China Normal University.

2004.6 finished Ph.D graduate study fromInstituteof Chinese Modern History, Central China NormalUniversity.

2003.12-2004.12 Lecturer of Institute of Chinese Modern History, Central China Normal University.

2005.1-2010.6 Associate Professor of Institute of Chinese Modern History, Central China Normal University.

2010.7-present Professor of Institute of Chinese Modern History, Central China Normal University.

2010.9-2011.9 Visiting scholar, the Department of History, the Johns Hopkins University.


The Legal History of Modern China (a required course for undergraduate and graduate students).

The Economic History of Modern China (a required course for graduate students).

Research Fields and Interests:

1. Social-Economic History of ModernChina.

2. Legal History of ModernChina.

3. Religion History of ModernChina.

Selected Publications:


1. Haiyan Fu.Legal order in the changing Society, Civil lawsuit research of east area of Hubei Province during 1929 to1949. Wuhan:Central China Normal UniversityPress, 2010.

2. Haiyan Fu.A Study on the Legal-Society History of ModernChina. Wuhan:Central China Normal UniversityPress, 2010.


1. Haiyan Fu. State, Taoist monasteries, and the Taoist clergy: a study of the zhuchi crises in the Beiping Baiyun Guan Monastery in the 1930s', Modern Chinese History,Studies4:2(December 2010), pp.179-192.

2. Haiyan Fu. The Plight of the Abbots of Beiping White Cloud Taoist Temple in the 1930 s,Modern Chinese History Studies,vol.176:2(March 2010), pp.93-108.

3. Haiyan Fu. Revolution, Law and Temple Property_ A Study based on the Case of Tieshan Temple During Republic of China,Historical Research,vol.319:3(June 2009), pp.105-120.

4. Haiyan Fu. The Tragedy of An Shilin: A Study of the 1946 Burning to Death of the Beiping Baiyun Guan Manager,Bulletin of the Institute of Modern History Academia Sinicavol.62(December 2008),pp.43-90.

5. Haiyan Fu. An "Out of Tune" Fair: A Study of the 1935 Wuxi Domestic Products Mobile Fair,Modern Chinese History Studies,vol.160:4(July 2008), pp.125-138.

